Nanotech Investment Opportunities
Nano investment is growing exponentially.
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Stunning breakthroughs in nanotechnology are
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High time to get in on the action.
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Explore nanotechnology investment opportunities in:
Featured opportunities:
Implantable devices for persons who suffered a stroke or other brain damage. High resolution biocompatible neurointerface connected to a wearable PDA with neuromorphous software. System imitates lost neural net area roughly, enough to return impaired people to their normal lives. Also usable as brain-computer interface for virtual reality and telecom.
Status: Testing neurointerface materials, development of control system and software, partnership with State Medical Academy Neurosurgery Center on previous (non-invasive) project for similar purpose.
Micron to millimeter sized, very low-cost, high performance distributed feedback lasers with discrete wavelengths from UV to IR. Meets needs in telecom, data storage, manufacturing, "3D-printing", medicine, nanotech, multimedia, security, gyros and toys.
Status: Advancement of shape control and analysis of different active materials behavior.
Permanent, easily-implantable human gaze detection system. This low-cost, covert, eye-friendly tool is highly suited for 3D displays, virtual & augmented reality systems, mobile robot control etc. May revolutionize supermarket shopping process, enhance group interaction in virtual environments, add smart interactive features everywhere.
Status: Selection of specific nanomatrix type and material for main module.
Precise, light, powerful and low-cost actuators, based on major "shape memory" effect in the nanostructured metal. Size range from microns to meters provides wide range of applications: linear and angular motors, artifical muscles, robotics, micromanipulators, MEMS/NEMS and aerospace.
Status: Product is ready, though primitive. Thermally and electrically activated devices available in sample quantities.