Nanotechnology Investment Opportunities
Convergent Manufacturing
RePlastify Low-cost plastic 3D-printers -- Extremely low-cost, scalable, compact 3D-printing systems for lab, office and everyday home use. Ingenious process allows printing of automotive and computer parts, toys, spoons, mobile covers, buttons, etc. through the re-cycling of common plastic waste. Second model allowing to print about hundred times faster is also being developed.
Status: Building prototype.
Instancer Multi-component 3D-printers -- Very low-cost, scalable, compact multi-component 3D-printing systems for lab, office and home use. Ingenious process allows printing with plastics, conducting materials and circuits and other В“colorsВ”. User could print ready things with electric motors, complex mechanics, resistors, optics, etc. Just insert a few semiconductor components and get a microscope or computer mouse.
Status: Prototype design.
Convergator Convergent industrial transportation and storage platform -- Scalable, easy to use compact transportation system for manufacturing and micro-manufacturing facilities. This system is able to keep every object in its storage cell, show it to the user, take it to and retrieve it from any equipment (placed in any place and direction) in any sequence. It is the basic component for full manufacturing automation and is indispensable for innovative manufacturers, university labs and prototyping services.
Status: Building prototype.
ConProSys Convergent Production System -- Scalable prototyping and production equipment package capable of auto-upgrades as well as of self-replication under control of an external computer. This system is able to make new instruments for itself, i.e. newly invented by the user or downloaded from the Web. It allows fully automatic manufacturing of a wide variety of products as determined by the current set of instruments. Aimed to become a standard feature for future industries.
Status: Building prototype.
Seastead Micronation Construction technology for the highly automated nanotech-based manufacture of building segments for seasteads.
Status: Will be disclosed upon declaration of interest.