Nanotechnology Investment Opportunities
Nano-Cognitive Technology
NeuroLink Implantable devices for persons who suffered a stroke or have other brain damage. High resolution biocompatible neurointerface connected to wearable PDA with neuromorphous software. System imitates lost neural net area roughly, but enough to return impaired people to their normal lives. Also usable as brain-computer interface for virtual reality and telecom.
Status: Testing neurointerface materials, development of control system and software, partnership with State Medical Academy Neurosurgery Center on previous (non-invasive) project for similar purpose.
NeuroMorph Neuromorphous computers -- Relatively low-cost, fast and durable computing devices comprised of ordered artificial neurons and interconnections between them. Shrinking of the neurons size and growth of the number of neurons per chip make it possible to use neuromorphous computers as plug & play circuits for common PCs. This device aims to revolutionize robotics, automobiles, image and speech recognition, artificial intelligence systems. It may lead to the production of compact neural implants for medical applications.
Status: Research of different artificial neuron types.
Project Upload Gradual uploading technologies based on cogno- & neurotech developments in neural prostheses. Uploading of carbon-based biological neuronets into computers. Project to start from a primitive mollusk with the intent to build up to human uploading. Key features include scanning approach and neural modeling software.
Status: Experimental neural deciphering algorithms are being developed. Equipping facility for step 1: uploading of a mollusk.
Eyelink Permanent, easily-implantable human gaze detection system. This low-cost, covert, eye-friendly tool is highly suited for 3D displays, virtual & augmented reality systems, mobile robot control etc. May revolutionize supermarket shopping process, enhance group interaction in virtual environments, add smart interactive features everywhere.
State: Selection of specific nanomatrix type and material for main module.