Nanotechnology Licensing Brokerage
Looking for suitable nanotech licenses to enhance your current product or service development projects? Looking to license your nanotech to interested developers? We assist you in finding suitable licenses or licensees to match.
To contact us for licensing information please use e-mail address nano@e-spaces.com
Nanotech licensing opportunities
Looking for:
Freshness Nano-coating for Chocolate & Food Preservation
We want to license or co-develop an edible coating for chocolate, which would allow to keep the product fresh and eye-pleasing for much longer than is currently possible, ideally adding up to years of shelf-life.
The coating needs to be - as thin as possible, preferably only a few molecules thick;
- edible and
- clear (transparent).
It should furthermore form an impenetrable barrier for - air,
- visible light and
- infrared light.
We are also looking for new, nanotech based packaging material and/or coating for the packaging of boxes to contain 1 or more chocolates.
This packaging material and/or coating should have the following properties:
- isolates box contents (i.e. fresh chocolates) against air, light and
- keeps the temperature inside the box at a constant 18 degrees Celsius;
- transparent; lightweight; very low-cost; disposable (bio-degradable?);
- can easily be wrapped around a box, even when the wrapping is done in a chocolate shop
where fresh chocoaltes are sold.
We are looking for
investors and partners interested in joining forces with us for this technology development;
companies who have relevant technology in this area;
nanotech scientists and other specialists relevant to this challenge.