An Investor Network to Accelerate the Dawning of the Age of Nanotechnology
Early-stage investors benefit the most. In search of quality nanotech stock? Funding for your nanotech company?
We provide a first-row seat in a global online beehive mixing investors and nano entrepreneurs. Explore our investing network portal's offerings under the following headings:

Nanotech water filtration company is developing a new type of nanotech membrane for filtering water. The Nano membrane systems are expected to be applicable to purification of drinking water, remediation of waste water and desalination in systems ranging from the home to large cities.
Because of the nanotech aspect, they are expected to deliver purer water at a significant reduction in cost over both conventi onal systems and other new technologies still under development. In the case of desalination of water, for example, that cost reduction is anticipated to be approximately one third the cost of conventional systems.
The Nano membrane technology is truly revolutionary, and we have been personally following its development over the years. Some of the patents on the technology have already issued, with any others following. We hear that they are getting a strong positive reception from nanotech/water experts and potential customers in the water field.
The company is presently emerging from proof of concept stage and is seeking funds to complete breadboard and prototype engineering, establish manufacturing and launch of first products.
Please contact us at info@nanoacceleration.com if you are interested in receiving more information and getting in touch with the company.
Nanotech Investing
Investment in nano is growing exponentially. Products are on shelves now. High time to get in on the action: review our investment opportunities and other investor resources. NanoAcceleration Network empowers you to get into nano with maximum efficiency.
Wholesale Products & Services
Shop our wholesale offerings to add a distinctive, competitive edge to yours. Add your nano products, services and product-development services to our list.
Licensing Brokerage
You want to create a nanotech product or add some nanotech to your current product development projects? We assist you in finding and selecting suitable licenses.
Need nano whizz-kids? Or suitably nano-minded executives? We help you find, select and recruit them internationally. Looking for a job in nano? Add your resume to our database.
Start-up Support
Bubbling with start-up ideas but little or no entrepreneurial experience? Need to write a nano start-up business plan? Need seed funding? Our consulting services boost you to a flying start.