Gaze-capturing system for human-machine interfaces
Permanent easy-implantable human look direction capturing system.
This cheap, invisible and eye-friendly gizmo is indispensable for 3D displays,
virtual and augmented reality systems, and mobile robot control.
It will revolutionize buying processes at supermarkets, enhance group interaction
in virtual environments, add smart interactive features everywhere.
State: Selection of certain nanomatrix type and material for main module.
Product Description:
Gaze-capturing system for human-machine interfaces.
Key advantages
- 20-100 times less costly than rival optical eye-scanning
- Unlimited 3D workspace instead of tight flat mouse pad
- Invisibility and convenience for permanent use
- High accuracy and durability, minimal complexity
- Human-computer interface at office, home and factory, Smart Homes
- Control of buildings, machines, mobile devices, Smart Environments
- Remote control of robots and manipulators
- Shopping at supermarkets without bags and lines
- Instruments control in areas of surgery and micro (neuro)surgery
- Targeting and fire control systems for security and defense
- Universal interface for communication with every device
- Sleeping alarm for drivers, pilots, astronauts and other high-responsible staff
- The only suitable interface to use with emerging 3D-displays
- Security communication, access control, data transfer, steganography
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